Group Blog

This is my group!

I am working with three other students, who are also some of my friends. Their names go as Sara S, Emma T, and Sarah R; they are the ones who I'm working with. Sara S is a responsive, sweet, and creative, she comes up with random ideas which are beneficial in many cases. She is smart and knows how to use the things around her to her disposal. She knows how to make things interesting and that is how I met her; through a mutual friend while volunteering. Emma is honest, a hard worker, and smart; she is not scared to voice her opinion that is for sure. I met her due to this, last year she was one of the people who voiced their opinion often on topics. She is smart with her words and knows how to analyze material. She also knows how to use what we know to our advantage. She is truly vocal with her opinions and I think that will benefit the group.

Analytical, attentive, and smart are the words I would describe Sarah R with. I only met her recently but, I can already tell she is an amazing person. She has helped in class multiple times when I don't comprehend the material that is being taught. She knows what questions to ask and what we need to do in order to achieve the success we need. She is creative and filled with ideas. I choose all these people because I know all of us are capable of doing the best. Each of us know different things and have different skills, with all that I think we can create something creative and well, good. I am excited to work with these people because I don't work in groups often and if I do it is not something this collaborative, this makes me super excited. We can ask each for help if need it, give feedback on thoughts, and overall be the group we need to be in order to complete this. Again I am excited and curious about the different outcomes of this and I think I will enjoy this with my group.

Signing off,



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