
My storyboard of the girl next door!

Scene 1:

This will be the first scene and this is where the main actor will appear. It will fade in from black to sync with the audio since it also fades in. It will be at eye level and it will be a close up to show to emphases the subject's eyes because of a lyric "red eyes". The set will be a road in order to cut into the next scene.

Scene 2:

After it cuts away from the close up we move into a medium long shot at eye level. The actor will be drinking a cherry coke and be stumbling along the road. The medium long shot is to show that she is still wearing the same clothes according to the lyrics.

Scene 3:

This scene she is up against the bedroom door looking distress. This will be at eye level and it will start at as a close up then zoom out in order to transition into the next scene. She is in this position because she is wondering about a certain thing, that thing being something unpleasant.

Scene 4:

The next scene will pan into her bedroom to show that her room is clean, untouched, and most importantly empty. While this happens she gets up, walks away, and then leaves. This is to give more meaning to the lyric "she don't come home anymore".

Scene 5:

This scene will cut to the window in her bedroom and there will be text on screen to signify dialogue that can't be heard from inside the bedroom. This scene is used because apparently people talk about her when she is not around or at least they think she is not around; they being those 'people'.

Scene 6:

"Sun goes down" this will be a sped up clip of the sun going down on the beach to show how long she is not home. In the middle of this it will be glitching to a frame of her room being empty, day and night.

Scene 7:

This scene will be a long shot and will be set on the road. Different takes will be used in order to show that she is all over the place in different place but the same set. This will look chaotic and messy because it will be cutting back in forth with scene 8.

Scene 8:

Since the last scene is chaotic and messy, this scene will be take place in the car and record outside the window in order to again show she is never home and all over the place. Scene 7 and 8 will work together in order to make this part of the song workout.

Scene 9:

According to the lyrics she doesn't know if she is tired or something else is wrong with her but she wonders what is wrong with her. This will be set in the bedroom and will be a close up, her head will be on the bed and the rest of her body will be on the floor.

Scene 10:

This scene will show the exact position she is in but also show her now messy room. This will be done with an establishing shot in order to show that she is distress with something and not happy with herself.

Scene 11:

The actor will then look into a mirror that is in her room. She looks at herself in the mirror look very distressed and unwell overall. This is will be a over the shoulder shot to show herself in the mirror. The song will start to fade out at this point.

Scene 12:

She is in complete shock of what she has become because she realized that she is the girl next door. In order to show the emotions on display it will be a close up and then the screen will fade to black to show the video has come to an end.

* The whole video will be in a dream like and VHS lighting.
* The scenes will move with lyrics and the beat.
* The costume will also be the same for the whole video.

Signing Off,



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