Comparing Le Jetée, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie


Time to analyze!

Both films did an amazing job at conveying their story. The audio in La Jetée by Chris Maker helps the visuals of the film appear open. Using audio in short films will be a great aid since again you have a time frame. Using these aspects of films that is usually disregarded will be the key to convey emotions, help set the scene, and progress the plot. 12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam is inspired by La Jetée which makes the plot intresting. 12 Monkeys uses a red hearing which creates a twist in the film. Right after we find out a majory revelation that makes the auidence in disbelief. 12 Monkeys took risks and told a story whether it can be compared to La Jetée is question due to La Jetée itself. Using sound will be a great help to me and fowarding the plot. I will be using it, and along with using red herrings possible or something in the same category. 

Using weird ideas will be your best friend in this. For instance, La Jetée uses a narrator which is an intresting choice but it keeps the story moving. It tells the whole story from beginning, middle, and end; there is no arguing that. Just as the article says this film "demonstrates the true versatillity of cinema." Especially since it uses an unconventional way of telling at story at the time and now. To say Chris Maker didn't take a risk would be a lie. 12 Monkeys is inspired by La Jetée but it didn't just stick to one genre. It contained sci-fi and romance, and Terry Gilliam did not limit himself. Terry Gilliam built on the La Jetée and Chris Maker's ideas which is incredible in itself. In this case, limiting yourself to one genre does limit creaitivity, and so it makes it better to use different genres but still sticking to your main genre. 12 Monkeys is in style of Gilliam, so taking this for a note. Using your own style will help in conveying a compeling and intresting story.

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