Our Decision: True Crime


The winner is True Crime!

If our opening is based on a true crime, we would start our film with someone walking in a hallway of some sort. They would walk around with a knife in there hand. We would film the lower half of the person, then we would see the person with a knife stab an innocent, unsuspecting victim, which is one of his/her friend. Blood would splatter around. Then, cops would come and investigate the crime scene. We came to this conclusion because it most likely fits our pitch that Sarah and I decided on. 

If our opening is based on the romance genre, then we would have a girl's lover lying in a pool of their own blood. As the opening goes on, all of the girl's loved ones would drop dead. Her friends would be murdered. Every time she fell in love, she would be forced to watched her loved one and friend's life be taken by a masked killer. We came to this conclusion because we wanted to incorporate some romance in it but have our pitch show. 

If our opening is based on the thriller genre, we would have a group of 2 or more friends running and hiding. They are hiding from a serial killer that is hunting the friends down. They hide in different spots and they try and wait out. The killer finds them and is slowly walking to the friends in their hiding place. Sarah and I came to this conclusion because thriller and true crime are similar to each other, the only difference is that the police is involved in the true crime genre. 

We chose true crime because it is the way we want to add a crime scene into our opening. We are interested in true crime because we like the chase of finding of the murder. We also like to see how close the police are close to finding the murder but not close enough. We also like the fear it inspires. It also brings out sympathy in us for the victims. We also want to do true crime as the genre because it the closest genre to our pitch. 

Signing Off,



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