Our Pitch


Our Pitches

Pitch 1: A group of friends involved in a murder, no evidence that they commited the crime. Their minds start eating away at them, will they break?

We wanted to do something along the lines of a murder mystery, especially Sarah, for me it didn’t feel right because I felt like something was missing. I wanted to do teen drama and mental illnesses, so we thought about it and just combined the ideas together in order to compensate both of us. We thought a group of teens commit a crime, that crime being murder or homicide, and they start losing their minds with basically the pressure that their life can be over if they get caught and found guilty. We could easily do this since there are multiple ways to do it, in other words it’s flexible. We can add conversations through text to make it feel more realistic and calls between them etc. The whole idea is a group of teens losing their minds and just being paranoid that even the smallest piece of evidence can be found or something for them to be accused of murder. They are always on edge ever since the murder that they all participated in.  

Pitch 2: A girl is in a long distance relationship with this guy who is cheating with her best friend and his girl best friend.

We are intrested in making this film because we see it this often but no one really talks about it that much about how they are feeling and the aftermath of cheating. One con is that after watching these types of movies, a girl might start worring about her body image and if she had a perfect body. Another con is tthat a girl might want to follow the idealization of what is protryaed in the movie. They might want to follow what the movie has protrayed, a young girl. Another pro is that this type of film servers as a great escape and fantisies for viewers. Another pro is that people watch these types of movies help people escape from realty and to get swept up in a good love story with beautiful images and music.

We choose pitch 1, A group of friends involved in a murder, no evidence that they commited the crime. Their minds start eating away at them, will they break? We choose this pitch because it had more of an appeal to both of us rather than pitch two. My partner and I also thought it would be easier to film this pitch. We also put more thought into this pitch than what we did for our second pitch. My partner and I also like to see how those type of movies end.

Signing Off,



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