Title Research: Zodiac


1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

    In this case it shows a time skip, then the studios and the production company, the name of the actors at the bottom of the screen, then the name of the movie on the bottom left. It then continues to name producers, editors, costume designers and everyone who helped in the making of this film. The last card is the director in this case it would be David Fincher.

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

    The sequence is a father rushing his child to school and himself to work all at this fast pace and the surroundings intensify.

3.  What connotations do these images carry?

    It is rushed and it makes you feel anxiety. The sequence is gives you anxiety and stressed that you want to wait until it stops.

4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

    The opening is basically the father is rushing and running to drop off his kid and go to work on time which means he was most likely late. The editors added texture which made the sequence feel old and that time has taken a toll on everything. 

5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

    It first appeals to emotion, then different demographics, and overall people who have interest in true crime. The story is based on the Zodiac Killer, which at the time it was the 60s and was a high-profile case. Till this day, the Zodiac Killer is notorious for the mystery person and for purely taunting the police. People who have interest in true crime will flock to this movie and those who lived during the time will also flock to this movie. The emotions that the opening sequence gives out is already enough to tell that this movie is going to truly going to have emotions throughout and it will try its best to carry that out. What I mean by demographics, I mean things such as age and gender. People who are typically older will have a higher chance to seeing this movie because it happened throughout the 60s. When it comes to gender women have a higher chance compared to men to flock towards true crime. That is because of different aspects such as the psychological and educational aspects of true crime. This genre has a huge weight on emotion because that is what brings it to life.

6.  How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

    The director and editors had their fun while making this. There are multiple cuts and multiple shots to convey the emotions.

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