
 The story and how it is going to work!

Page 1: It starts out with a murder happening. Then, it jump cuts to a girl closing a laptop and talking to her cousin over the phone. The girls gets up and walks out her bedroom door. The a split screen comes of the girl, her cousin, and a few friends starts chatting. Then, the crime scene comes on and another friend tells the main friend in the friend group about the murder of one of the friends in the friend group.

 Page 2: After hearing the news, the main friend requested to hang out with her other friends and tell them the news about what happened to their friend and starts talking about it. The main friend says that the dead friend was murdered. They went to the park across the street to see if they can get a view of the crime scene.  They kept moving up closely to try and see what is going on. They exit the park and try to get closer to the scene. They talk about it. Then, in the friend group, one of the friend confesses that they are the killer. The killer asks the friend group can keep the secret and the friend group agrees. Once the friend  group goes to a friends hose, they start doing research to see which morgue that the dead friend is at because the killer asked the friend group to see if they can help them cover their tracks. 

Page 3: Everyone is trying to plan out how to break into the morgue to try and see if there is any evidence to clean up. Once they finally come up with a plan, they break in and clean up evidence that they found. Then, they go to the crime scene to clean up any incriminating evidence. Then, the main  actor is talking to her cousin and telling him that she broke into the morgue and the crime scene to protect her friend. The cousin starts talking abut how she can go to jail for that and starts to scare her. The main friend stats freaking out about what she did so she hung up and starts pacing around the room.  

Page 4: The main friend then called another friend and repeated the same thing that her cousin said to the friend. They both started to freak out. Then, they called the other friends and repeated the same conversation to the others. They decided to meet at the same park across from the crime scene and discussed hat they are going to do. They decided to do to the police station without the killer friend and then what happened without incriminating themselves. Once they got to the police station, they backed out because they were scared.

Page 5: But the next day they decided to go to the police station again and confess what their friends said to them, but then again backed out because they were scared to do it and they did not have any evidence that the killer friend did it. So, they went to the park and discussed the plan all over again. They decided to have a sleep over at the main friend's house to have a sleep over and try get some sleep and reconvene in the morning. After that scene, it would fade into a dark blue background saying  "Will they actually go to the police or will the nerves eat them alive?" Then it would end with directed by. 

Signing off, 


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