Short film research: Fireworks



Directed by Nikita Grushin, he created such a amazing atmoshpere and the film is immersive. The first thing I noticed when I watched it was how quiet it was when it wasn't. Which to me makes things truly weird and tense. This one releys on diegetic sounds but at times those sounds are enhanced. For instance, in the food court, it is filled with close ups of people eating but those sounds are enhanced to be louder. That makes me truly uncomfortable. The use of sounds to make everyone tense is common in thrillers since jumpscares aren't are thing they reley on.

The beginning of the film there is a bit of dialogue which does give a bit of context. But throughout the film you can see he is clearly bothered by something  Using over shoulder shots to show text messages and medium close up shots of what appears to be random people are plagued throughout. Since nothing really happens throughout tension for that builds until of course explosions are heard, but they are only firewoks. This is common, building that tension for an abnormal long time to catch the auidence of their gaurd seems like the most common thing they do.
The costumes in this are normal nothing seems wrong, the character does seem to be wearing darker clothes, along with a few others, butthe majority aren't. Along with make up, everyone seems natural, but the main character does have large and dark eyebags. The lighting does seem off but it is normal, some scenes do use like bright colors in the background. I can't really say exactly but it doesn't seem right; I do know it is because of the atmosphere.

Everything fits well and nothing feels off. I love that uneasy feeling and waiting for something, it makes me excited and sad at times. The little dialogue doesn't confuse me and it makes sense to me. What I didn't like was how it led to the ending, it was more casual. It should've been more intense but at the end of day it did break the tension. That is the problem I have with this genre, how do I break that tension and not disappoint?

Signing Off,



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