Filming starts!


First the park!

When I started heading to the park, I filmed the first four scenes since they are shot simply outside of my place. I also filmed the scenes in the car slowly since it is dangerous. I didn't film this alone, I luckily have a family member of mine helping. After filming those scenes, I got to the park safely. I filmed the majotrity those scenes pretty smoothly. The only problem I ran into was time. Sunset only lasts 35 minutes which proves difficult. I had gotten through the second storyboard, which means I had to go back another day to film. This does mean I will be limited on time from now on, and I have to be careful on whether I make mistakes or not. Either way, let us move onto how the next day went.

The next day went smoothly but again sunset lasts 35 minutes. I was able to film the last scenes at the park and finished this location. In order to film the people in the distance, I asked a family member of mine to participate. They don't really have a signifigant role besides trigging the main character's paranoia. To go along with this, I wasn't driving in the car when it drives away. My parent was doing so because it makes things safer and allows me to see how it is going. The majority of scenes only needed around 2-4 takes. It wasn't that difficult besides the time crunch. Either way that finishes this location, off to the next. Which is my own bedroom that I will have to make a mess of.

Signing Off,



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