Creative Critical Reflection

Time to reflect!

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

     Usually when it comes to Dunkin' Donuts and how they advertise their items is very distinctive. Their way of advertising is short but gets people attention overall it tends to keep a low profile in the media. Every commercial has their logo and catchphrase, not to mention they are simple and straightforward for anyone to understand. They have locations everywhere which would make people curious and go buy products from them, this would then become an endless loop.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

           They do tons of charity of work; they donate meals to shelters and donate funds to foundations for children. This does help them with their reputation of being a "good" company. From what I've seen online from Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms they do post there and interact with celebrities as well as influencers. Since these celebrities and influencers have tons of followers this benefits both parties. They also sponsor tons of other events and this just grows the company even more. Nowadays, companies need to understand how to grab the attention of teens and young adults this takes them to social media.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

        This whole project did take time and planning. By the end of it, I was able to see the different shots and why we used those shots. I learned so much on how much communication is important with these types of projects since everyone needs to be involved one way or another. Whether it's pitching each other ideas or just commenting on updates. I did learn a couple additional editing skills from Sara, such as how timing is such an important thing. Besides that, when my group was doing the storyboard I was able to learn so much more on why we needed to use these shot and what emotions it can give. 

4. How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project?

        We had to edit and film. Editing has a whole software; this would allow us to put overlays, such as sounds and transitions. It allowed us to go from one scene to another, and it as well helped us to change the saturation and brightness of different scenes in order to either look dull or bright. For hardware, this would be the camera, Sara used a tripod with her phone and was able to record everything on it. She was able to cut takes whenever she felt the need to and was able to create the mood at the time. Since we don't always see each other at school, we text each other with updates and ideas.

This is our finished product! Go watch it! 

Signing off, 


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