

Our Storyboard!

Scene 1:

    The First scene is a medium close-up at eye level and will begin against a white wall. The actor will wear a white shirt and jeans without any obvious make-up. We chose to use neutral lighting to convey the blandness of the shot. They will use body language to coney boredom using a yawn, a sigh, etc whichever is the most convincing acting. This scene does not include our product because the introduction of the product builds excitement later.

Scene 2:

    This is where the product will be introduced. The setting, costumes, and actor remain the same in this scene. We will introduce our prop, a box of Dunkin' Donuts with a focus of brighter light on the doughnuts, but the lighting still remains relatively neutral. This pans to follow the actor’s arm as they grab a doughnut. The entire section is a close-up at a high angle to show the most appealing view of the doughnuts. This serves to introduce the excitement of the product

Scene 3:

    This pans to follow the actor’s arm as they grab a doughnut. The entire section is a close-up at a high angle to show the most appealing view of the doughnuts. This serves to introduce the excitement of the product.

Scene 4:

    The action match would continue into this scene with the person finishing their bite of the doughnut. However, the setting would now be Pompano Beach. We will choose a spot that is particularly stereotypically beach-looking to build excitement. The sun creates bright lighting. Now wearing a brighter shirt, the actor will be smiling in a close-up. 

Scene 5:

    This shot zooms out from a close-up to a long shot. In this, we will see more of the beach setting with brighter lighting. It will also show the more interesting (rips, an extra design, etc) jeans the person is wearing. The person will look around at the scenery happily before smiling at the camera with the doughnut in their hand.

Scene 6: 

    The final shot will be the Dunkin’ logo on a white background. The Dunkin’ logo would be the most updated version which the words colorful and without the coffee cup on the side.

*Scenes 1-3 would include a bland quietly playing song.

*Scenes 4-6 will have louder more upbeat pop music playing.

Signing off,



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