Planning Blog



In order to set a couple things straight. I need to read the lyrics and listen to the song in order to get a better on understanding on the Mis-En-Scene. Such as the costume and makeup, in order to give the mood of the song and try to give the song justice one way or another.

I will be using a variety of props due to the song's lyrics since I will be putting more emphasis on them. A cherry coke will the first prop that will be shown, followed by house keys, a messy desk with a chair, and then last a mirror.
The actor will wear a baggy sweater and jeans which are either ripped or dirty in order to symbolize that she never comes home. The actor's hair will be messy and all over the place. The make will look like the actor has not gotten any sleep or was crying recently. They will wear a simple shoes such as converse or shoes that are simply dirty.

11/14/2022, I researched the conventions the props I will be needing along with other possible variables.
11/14/2022, I begin to instate the props, costumes, schedule, location list, and the backup plan.
11/17/2022, I will create a story board to show how the video will progress with the scenes.
11/19-20/2022, I will start filming and end filming for the music video which will following the story board.
11/29-30/2022, I will edit the music and the scenes in order for them to be in sync and add transitions along with other things.

Location List:
I will be shooting in 3 main locations along with 3 additional side scenes. The road, bedroom, and a hallway will the main 3. I will also be filming the actor in front of a mirror and her half asleep on her messy desk. I will also emphasize that her room is clean since it is untouched because she never comes home.

I do really want to emphasize that she is always out and running around. The road is mentioned because of a lyric. But in the lyric video the actor is in the car and never home. So I want to add that to show that she is never home and never comes back for long periods of time.

Backup Plan: 
If it is raining on these days or something is not preferable I will be filming the majority of it in a bedroom. I can most likely can film everything from my bedroom in order to show the passage of time and those types of elements. This isn't truly difficult since I don't need much props and the locations do matter but of course it will be proven worse if I can't do some of the aspects of this. The passage of time can be demonstrated by a couple of things in a bedroom. For instance clocks, things with dust or thing being left untouched can be use to show the passage of time.

These are the details I have at the moment, I am improving them as I am typing this due to the fact that this is keeping my mind to keep running.  

Signing off,



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