Creative Critical Reflection



1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

- The video is similar to a musical since there is a girl singing but I like to think it is more drama in a sense of genre. When I mean by drama I mean acting out emotions and scenes in order to enhance the emotion you see through the screen. Things like editing, transitions, lighting, settings, costumes, props, angles of the camera, and so on made all this raw footage come together. Without it is simply a girl standing looking into a camera. Lighting can change everything in my opinion, without it you are missing out on tons of the emotions. Things with darker lighting or foggy lighting tend to give more negative emotions. The opposite of that would be bright lighting and it would give more of a positive emotion. So when it comes to describe the genre of the video solely I would give it more a drama code and a depressing code since of the emotions that are displayed in the video compared to more upbeat song. The song is a song about a mentally ill girl. So typically this type of video will have a low light levels compared to a song like Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles.

- The song is about a girl that is clearly mentally ill and is going through a tough time. Whether it be at home or at school or another place. This girl is mentally ill and never comes home. The song describes the girl as the girl next door but in reality she is the girl next door. It is sort of similar to her being delusional and trying to deny the fact she is mentally ill. In this day and age, mental health is the leading in deaths with teens. It is truly concerning, the person knows they are not ok but they don't seek help because of fear. We might notice that this girl next door never comes home like she use to and when she does she might look depress but the majority don't do anything about it since they don't really care. The world does need to bring more awareness because yes, this might be your neighbor but it can also be someone much closer to you personally. The song's lyrics doesn't directly mention the issues of the girl besides that she might be mentally ill.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

It is distributed by YouTube which is the top video sharing platform online. It has an algorithm that feeds people recommendations. The platform was released in 2005 and since then it hasn't stopped growing. Maggie Lindemann is a singer and she collaborates with tons of artist. She is active on multiple platforms mainly on Instagram. Her songs give light on mental health and the LGBTQ+ community. A song called "she knows it" is about a girl liking another girl who has a boyfriend who treats her unfairly and she knew that this other girl liked her. The song is about a lesbian couple and ending up together at the end. 

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

- I learned an abundance on editing videos. I used Premiere Pro 2023 which is a complicated software if you don't know how to use it. I didn't know how to use it, I've only heard about it since tons of editors use it and it has good resources. I basically learned the pure basics and additionally other aspects of the software. I also know more about how angles can change the entire mood of the video. While filming I did try different angles to see how it affected the video and I showed it to people. I then asked them which one was better and used that one since it looked better overall. Another song of hers is about anxiety and paranoid about a recent event, the song is called "Knife Under My Pillow". The song does give light a person suffering from endless anxiety along with the paranoia that it brings. 

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

- I used an editing software called Premiere Pro 2023 which is from Adobe. This software was the only one I used to edit since I thought it was going to be easy since I know Photoshop 2023 from Adobe. I was completely wrong but I managed to work with and get results. For hardware, I simply used my phone, I used the iPhone 13 Pro which has a good camera and I used the Cinematic feature that it has. I did use the internet since I didn't know how to work Premiere Pro 2023, I looked up tutorials on how to do a couple things and asked people online for some tips on Discord which was helpful in a way when I couldn't find it online. These people online also told to use a template on VHS that you could easily find online but I didn't since I didn't know how to implement on the video plus I wanted to do it on my own.

Thank you for joining my journey! 
Please go watch the video.

Signing Off,


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