Title Research: Se7en


1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

    This film was directed in 1995 by David Fincher. The cards that are shown are actors, actresses, production company, producers, editors, etc. and the title card "Se7en".

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

    Close ups of objects, writings, books, scissors, black screens, multiple flashes, and layers are shown throughout the sequence. All these images all play into creating emotions.

3.  What connotations do these images carry?

    The sequence makes you feel uncomfortable, suspense, and curious. The images are truly peculiar that they are not normal, this then and you are curious what is happening.

4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

    The images that are shown are darker than normal, they have this old and dirty vibe to it. This automatically makes you uncomfortable, especially one of the images shown in the sequence. It purely there to make you feel uncomfortable, curious, and among other emotions. The audio throughout the sequence plays one of the biggest parts of this sequence because it makes it more much disturbing.

5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

    The actors and how the movie is promoted are important factors to appeal to an audience especially when there is a target audience. The actors that are featured on the poster are huge names in acting, Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are known for their amazing acting and movies. So that is one way they appeal to people is through the actors because people who like Brad Pitt for example are most likely to see this movie. Compared to someone who likes Johnny Depp they would prefer to watch Edward Scissorhands. There is also how it is promoted for instance the movie poster places a huge factor. If it is not captivating no one would want to watch it.

6.  How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

    The close ups and the editing make this sequence come together. The close up of someone’s fingers and someone peeling off the dead skin it then cuts to a title card of an actor. There also other cuts where the editors add flashes of other scenes, and this sets the mood.

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