Last Minute Changes

We made a mistake

There are a few changes that my partner and I had to make. For example, we had to change the title cards. We also had to reshoot some things because we had to make changes to the title cards. We had placed them in the wrong spots. We also realized that we were missing some things. Mostly, we made some changes to the storyboard. For example, the first scene we did not get to do because we did not have the necessary lighting. We did have the second scene from the storyboard, which was a girl at her desk with a computer open and on the phone. That was an easy scene to do, so was the 3rd and 4th scene. We included both scene 3, which was the girl closing the door, and scene 4 which was the split screen of 4 friends talking about the murder. Scenes 5-15 was cut out for the purpose of the time restraint. The other scenes were either cut out of the film that my partner and I mad, or was reordered to fit the new scene that we were filming. Now, we are just fixing the scenes that need to be in the film. We are also fixing the title cards. At first we put them as their own sperate scene. Then, we realized that it needed to be imbedded into the current footage that we already have. So we are currently doing that and filming some footage.  We should have it done soon. We are working as fast as we can. We are also making sure that we have some shots and angles in there as well. 

Signing off,



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