The editing continues!

 Editing is still going!

As of writing this we are almost done with editing. But since we got some footage late editing took a bit longer than expected. We are ecpected to finish editing on Wednesday, April 5th. The next blog will most likely highlight that we finished editing. The one after that will highlight which things changed. As for what has been edited we will get into that right now.

We did mention we had edited the footage we got from the park, we have also edited the footage of the actors in the call. Right now we are truly debating on whether we should add subtitles but we will see to that more later on. We decided to add music to the title cards and other possible scenes. Right we are just cutting scenes and adding transitions. For instance we added glitches to the call, it adds this sense of unsettling emotion. In editing sense it makes scenes blend together much smoother. 

We are slightly worried about the amount of time. Both of us we agreed that we would edited it together first. Then if we go over the time limit we would talk on which scenes we can cut so we don't exceed the time limit. We had acknowledged that if we had to cut scenes it would be the scenes towards the end because it just wouldn't be as important. Plus it would be much easier to edit it since it would be add the end. 

The title cards are simple so we aren't really worried about them. Any information on the title cards hasn't changed that we know of. If that were to change we will tell you about it. But right now everything is going well.

Signing off, 


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