Hi, it’s me!

Allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Kaylie Estrada-Menjivar but throught this journey I will use my nickname, Kay. I am a junior (11th grade) at Fort Lauderdale High School. It has been a while since I have been on here but I happy to be back and learn new things. The past couple of months have been eventful since I did pick up 2 hobbies and a traveled a bit. Well in reality it’s more like 1 hobby and something I decided to do after a really long time. 

Back in May or around June somewhere around there, I wanted to learn how to crochet. So, I bought the hooks and the yarn to do so. In the beginning I was overwhelmed because of how confusing it looked. There were so many abbreviations on a pattern that I needed to know if I wanted to make something. I watched videos but for some reason my brain was just not able to comprehend anything else besides a single crochet. So I made a blanket with single crochets. I finished but it was difficult in the beginning but we are fine now.

With my other hobby or whatever you can call it, it's learning a new language. The journey started with what language I wanted to learn, Spanish is my first language and English is my 2nd, I wanted a 3rd. So, this gave me a framework on what I wanted to learn, along with that fact was I listen to a lot of k-pop. You can probably see where this is going: I decided on Korean, Hangul. I began doing research on how I can learn and so on, I began only a month after summer break started when I finished traveling, so far so good. The language is phonetic, and learning the alphabet isn’t difficult. I can identify 80% of the alphabet and read a tiny bit! I do understand key words and common phrases. I just need to learn more vocabulary and figure out the writing system which is different. The grammar is kind of the opposite of english. In english, for example, it’s “I ate an orange” but in korean it’s “I orange ate”. The confusion when I saw this was unmeasurable but this little sentence helps. How I remembered it was Subject, Object, then Verb; SOV. Slowing making progress which I am proud of. Either way I'm happy to start once again.

Signing off,


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