My Pitch


Two concrete ideas!

Pitch #1: A girl slowly but surely starts isolating herself and sees the consequences but it is too late.

When we were told that we were to begin soon, I wanted to go in a direction of a sad story. This is one I truly want to do since mental health is hot topic nowadays. But also because I was thinking of the logistics of this one as well. It would be on the easier side to film but it has its own quirks that I think I can solve. I am confident in solving those problems, and if  I do need such as with acting and the sorts I can ask the friends I have to help, if they are willing of course. Either way the whole idea is that a girl slowly starts shutting everyone off; colleagues, friends, and family. Sooner or later she takes it too the extreme and starts becoming adement on speaking to anyone unless she needs to. This becomes worse and worse until the consequences of isolation are irreversible.

Pitch #2: Dectective Graves and her partner, Investigator Addams, tries to solve a case of a seris of stabbings around the city.

This idea does reqiure me to ask around for help, but I am pretty sure I can get it, not worried. This idea did come because of the murder cases of Jack the Ripper. He was a serial killer in the late 1880s, according to the official case he murdered 5 people and his identity was never discorvered but other speculate more. I want to do something along the lines of that but of course changing a couple of details. For instance, Jack the Ripper, murdered 5 women in the Whitechapel district, I would change those aspects along with make it 10 times more modern, we live in the 21st century not the 19th century. The whole premise is the duo trying to solve the murder but of course they run into a couple of issues along the way and it ends with the real end of the case, no one is arrested or tried for the murder of the 5.

From the way I did decribe these ideas, you can probaly tell which one I am leaning towards. Mainly due to the logistics of it. 

I am going foward with the first pitch due to the ease and the stigma it deals with. I do like both ideas don't get me wrong but since I am working alone I do have to take that into account.

Signing off,



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