Research: How to make a short film



To do weird things! Let me explain, you want to create niche ideas. One way of doing this is doing the least common and more particular thing. Let tension build if it is needed and theme is key in building your story. It is to do the opposite of what the audience is thinking. If the audience is expecting a jump scare, don't do the jump scare. Let the tension build and put the jumpscare later. This does in turn helps build the story and progress the story along.

This same idea continues in everything; payoffs is one of things. This is much more common thing, such as something traumitizing happens in the begining and towards the middle-end there is an emotional scene. Typical stuff like this is used but you just have to be creative in every single aspect. There is of course equipment that limits some of the creativity but try to find solutions with it and learn with what you are filming with.

Sound is huge in every film short or long. Rain drops can change the emotion or keys on keyboards can do so as well. I am going to be fortunate enough to use sound in this since I do have the equipment to do so. But knowing what equipment you have and to prepare extra just in case something goes wrong.
With actors and casting, they have to be fully committed if they aren't then you auidence will be able to tell. This is the last thing you want since you are trying to tell a story that affects in the auidence in some way.

The main thing I got from this was to understand what you create. Dialogue is heavy in whatever story if it is used, so words and tone will always be important. Small or big it can break or change your story.  Tips such as knowing the equipment, and its limits or knowing the script off the top of your head. Things like this, being prepared and small details are extremely important to convey a convincing and promising story to an auidence.

Signing Off,



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