Short film research: Catching Spirits



The director Vanessa Beletic created a moody atmosphere fitting for the story. It uses digetic sound and non-diegetic which enhances scenes. Especially when she is focused or talking to herself, and sometimes a demonic like voice is heard. Uses sounds to cut through scenes, but it then goes back to the orginal, this occurs 2 times; it builds tension to say the least. There also times were it is completely quiet of non-diegetic sounds; its just filled with conversations, and shoes squeaking on the floor.

When the film begins you are confronted with 2 people extremely close shaking, but the angles used are extreme close ups of different parts of the body; hands, backs, and heads. Films that fall into the thriller genre are there to build tension and especially make the auidence uncomfortable. This also happens throught the rest of the film; when she is ripping her shirts it focuses on that and when she dances. Close-ups on objects and a zoom out when she possessed in the bathroom.
The costumes appear normal and casual throughtout. They wear tank tops, pants, and sometimes accessories. It also doesn't appear like they have makeup, they look natural and nothing abnormal. Makeup would have a huge impact in this story especially since there are close ups of the characters. This would change a couple of things especially how the characters present themselves.

I like how it looks effortless and normal on a quick glance, but when you pay attention you realize something is wrong. It compels the audience to pay attention but to do that you need a compelling story which I think is the hardest part. Horror is more common and sometimes comes as a pair with thriller so it is difficult to tell the difference. This also becomes hard when you think of ideas and realize, this is horror and not what I wanted. This part doesn't appeal to me but once you get the idea it sticks and from there you can build on it. It is also straightfoward, and you can reuse angles because of this you just have to creative in those scenes that you are shooting.

Signing Off,



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