Editing Starts


The struggle begins...

To start off, I added everything to the cloud and made sure it was backed up. I then added it to the timeline. Now for this part of editing, I wanted to cut time off of a couple things and check if everything runs smoothly. I am using Adobe Preimere Rush, since it is free and all. Now I have never used this program, you can already see the problem. I spent so much of my time watching tutorials on how the program works. I still don't know the majority of the features. Another thing that comes into affect is that this Adobe program isn't new but it is on the newer side you can say, especially on mobile. Since it is on the newer sides, it has a couple issues and so on. I had to work around these issues, for instance, one of those issues is that there was a time where it didn't save. This meant I did have to start over after I made significant progress.

I did have to cut some of length of the clips since it did go over the limit. For some, I couldn't do this because it would mess up the progress, so I just simply sped it up. I did the opposite if it was too short. Either way, I wanted to break this into multiple parts simply because it makes thing much simpler going foward. I don't know where I got this idea, but it makes the most since. The last time I did it, I was struggling and was stressed out. This can be because of the software/program I used but it made things much difficult. So far besides it not auto saving it has been going decently well. I hope that continues for the rest of editing.

Signing Off,



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