Short film research: Rumi
Holding my breath! Aisha Amin is the director of Rumi which about a muslim-american college student going to a modeling casting but deals with the promblematic issues that these type of people deal with in the industry. The film gave us a captivating part of this girl's life especically the stigma that muslims deal with on daily basis. Sound as always plays a huge part but in this short film, but it does rely on diegetic sounds. Footsteps, conversations, and cars in traffic can be heard. The only time where non-diegetic sound is used is when scenes get uncomfortable. The most notable part of the film is when the girl's hijab is almost taking off by someone for a picture. During this time the suspenseful music kicks in and close ups are shot. Close-ups are used to the sky in thrillers because they do make everyone uncomfortable. Close up shots of the main actor seeing that they are freaking out and uncomfortable. Another time is when she is acting, intense music starts and med...